Why start over in the first place?

Latina standing in a coffee shop, wearing a black shirt and jeans, working on a computer, writing in a notebook and looking out the window.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
- Albert Einstein

The thing about age and time, is that hindsight is 20/20.

I know, such a common saying, so annoying to hear, but it’s true.

I spent the first decade of my entrepreneurship journey like I do clothes shopping: trying on random clothes, seeing if the fit is right, choosing things that didn’t fit right because I wanted to believe they would and sometimes finding that perfect piece of clothing that everyone dreams about.

But that’s just the way of things when we are truly still trying to understand who we are at 30.

There are the lucky few that magically seem to know what their purpose is in life, but for most of us it consists of trial and error, lots of grace from ourselves and others and hopefully lots of humor along the way.

So why am I so confident now, you ask?

Because I’ve truly stopped negating my strengths for hopes and dreams of what I “could be”.

Granted, this isn’t perfect and life will always contain steps forwards and backwards, but from where I sit now, life truly couldn’t be better.

No matter what anyone says, curiosity is the strongest skill that I have, and for a long time I didn’t count it as a strength because, “How do you monetize curiosity?”

Sure, become a writer or a journalist or something on broadcast, but honestly the dedication to certain timelines, industries and expectations just weren’t worth it to me. I didn’t want to have to wait for a publisher to find me good enough or to get my big break to actually be able to survive in print or tv.

So I went the business route, using curiosity as a byproduct of whatever company goals were handed down to me. And my experiences in the business world have granted me some highlights and lowlights, but most of all it’s given me time.

Time to learn from my mistakes, time to build new skills, time to figure out what I don’t like or am just not made to do - it’s given me time to gain clarity about me.

Who I am, what I am here to do and who I want to be.


So coming back to the present moment, I realized I couldn’t show up to the business I had created because it required me to show up with old ways and patterns of being that didn’t align with where I am now.

It required a name change, a focus change and a new source of confidence and energy that I haven’t had for a while.

And so after initially creating this space back in September of 2023, I’m now diving in and building the world, and business, I want to see.

Not just for me, but for all of us.

So, in the famous words of the “New Amsterdam” TV show, I’m excited to restart my contribution to society via this business with a question -

How can I help?


Hosting My first session was exactly what I needed.


Starting from scratch